In the study, Lisa brittle at the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley and colleagues asked 4296 women to recall their physical activity for four key stages of life: 10 to 15 years, 15 to 30 years old, 30 to 50 years and 50 years and older .
The possibility of developing breast cancer do not seem to change in the performance of the ages between 10 and 30 and women over the age of 30 significantly their chances of developing breast cancer if they are more active, the researchers found.
Woman who exercise
"An average amount of exercise was defined as 60 minutes per week," brittle told Reuters Health, "so that all results in less than 60 minutes on average were over 60 minutes on average, and all who regard themselves as" very competitive "chosen that category."
Some women classified themselves as "very competitive" between 30 and 50 developed breast cancer compared with women who are less physically active.
Even fewer women classified themselves as very competitive at the age of 50 years developed breast cancer compared with women who exercised less than 60 minutes per week.
"Provisional" brittle said, "take home message is that accumulation mode increase physical activity after the age of 30 may play a role in reducing the risk of developing breast cancer."
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