2 Temmuz 2012 Pazartesi

Perimenopause Weight Gain Treatment (Solutions)

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Though weight gain is relatively more common during menopause & postmenopause (the phase after menopause), but there is also a chance of experiencing it during perimenopause (the phase before menopause). There is about 30 percent of women who are over the age of 50-59 are more likely to have overweight. If you seriously concern to the healthy weight of your body, here are some helpful solutions & tips for your perimenopause weight gain treatment.
Before exploring the treatments and more tips to overcome this weight gain, first you may like to know the causes of your weight gain during menopause!
Causes of weight gain during perimenopause and menopause!
Many experts believe that the combination of factors associated to aging and menopause may give a significant contribution why women during the phase of perimenopause/menopause/postmenopause are more susceptible to experience weight gain!
Factors that occur as women age!
As you get older, there are many other changes that occur and then eventually can contribute in causing weight gain, such as;
  1. As you get older, you are more likely to get poor aerobic capacity. In other words, the performance of your body to use energy is declining as you get older.
  2. The muscle mass loss, which then can affect your resting metabolism and finally this can make your body to be easier to gain weight.
  3. Women during perimenopause (particularly in the end of perimenopause) are usually not active enough to move their body /day. In fact, there is about 60 percent of adults are poor inactivity in moving their body -- and this percentage tends to increase with the age.
Changes in estrogen levels
Some studies ‘with animals for the subject’ found that estrogen has contribution in regulating the weight body. Animals with lower levels of estrogen are more likely to be less in physical activity and more likely to eat more /day!
Furthermore, the metabolic rate is also more likely to become low in animals with lower estrogen. And as well we know that poor level of metabolic rate can be referred to the higher chance of weight gain.
And it’s possible the same condition occurs in women! Women with perimenopause will experience the declining estrogen. Moreover, there are also some studies that confirm the metabolic rate in women can be increased by an estrogen hormone therapy -- talk more with a doctor to get more advices and facts about this issue.
Treatment and tips for perimenopause weight gain!
The following are some helpful tips on what & how you should eat to help your weight gain problem during perimenopause and menopause:
  1. Foods that are high in fiber like fresh vegetable & fruit, and whole grain are good choice. Your dietitian may also recommend lean protein for one of your diet menu!
  2. Keep far away from any unhealthy foods (like processed foods /fried-foods), which not only can make your weight gain worse but also can affect the entire health of your body.
  3. Avoid eating too late in the evening and keep monitoring your caloric intake /day. Furthermore, your dietitian may also recommend ‘more frequently eating smaller amounts’ instead of eating big meals 3 times a day.
  4. And if you want to take the estrogen hormone therapy, make sure you discuss first with your doctor before taking it!
Combine these tips by having regular exercise! It is undeniable that exercise is the best way to overcome your weight gain. All super-foods that you eat and other ways that you have done can be almost useless if you don’t have adequate physical activity /day. And exercise is not only the best way to increase your physical activity in burning more pound, but also can promote good health of your entire body!
Some helpful tips you should keep remember before you start your exercise:
  1. See a doctor & professional trainer, and consult to him/her about what a kind of exercise that you should choose and how you should you do it!
  2. You can invite your best friend who has the same goal -- this is simple idea but can help you to keep motivated in doing your exercise.
  3. Prepare any equipments that you need, like supportive shoes or else. Then decide ‘a start date’ to begin your exercise!
  4. Don’t forget to take a warm up for about 10 minutes before doing your exercise! Make sure your warm up is adequate enough to stretch the muscles of your body that will be used more often during your exercise.
  5. Then increase intensity of your exercise in gradually level. Your professional exercise usually also will recommend a variety of different exercises for more optimal result.
  6. Note; if you get a new pain when you are exercising, stop your exercise and see your doctor to find the right treatments.
And below are pieces of helpful information about some common types of exercise that may be recommended by your doctor or professional trainer:
  1. Exercises that are purposed to prevent ‘muscle mass loss’, such as a weight resistance or strength training (including yoga, dumbbells, or even gardening). Your professional trainer usually recommends doing it 2-3 times a week.
  2. Exercises for your better aerobic capacity! You can choose walking for this option, it is the easiest exercise and you can do it with fun. Other options are dance, tennis, cycling, or swimming! Do this type of exercise at least 30 minutes /day for 4-5 times a week or for walking you can do it every day if you can.
  3. Be creative with other simple activities that can move your body more (like washing your car, or just dance your body while enjoying your favorite music).
Losing weight during perimenopause and menopause is relatively more difficult. But to keep you motivated, just keep remember that you are more likely to stay better (longer) with your ideal weigh if you lose your overweight slowly and safely.

So, to keep safe -- it’s much better to avoid any methods that promise instant result, because you are also more likely to easily lose your ideal weight with these instant methods.

You may also like to read causes of post menopausal bleeding!
Reference: WebMD
Image credit to ‘shutterstock’ for illustration

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