Bone Cancer - Causes and Treatment |
There are no specific causes for this cancer. But a few factors may result in bone cancer; the effect of radiation or chemotherapy performed earlier, genetic or may be hereditary.
The most common symptom in the case of this cancer is the pain prevailing over the body. The pain increases immensely with increase in the size of the tumors. The bones even get weak by the tumors and may even lead to fracture, heavy sweating in night time and fever are also seen.
The bone cancer can be identified with the help of CT scan and MRI scans.
The most common bone tumors are Osteosarchoma, Ewing's sarcoma, Chondrosarchoma, Histiocytoma, Fibrosarcoma, Chorodoma
Most of the time surgery is the best way to treat the this cancer. During surgery, the whole tumor part is removed completely. After the surgery gets over, the pathologist checks whether the normal bone is present or still there is some signs of the cancer. If the remains of the cancer are traced then amputations are used to cure the bone cancer.
The other two methods are chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Chemotherapy is employed before the surgery to reduce the size of the tumor so that it will be easy to perform the surgery. Also if traces are left behind after the surgery the same method can be used to remove the cancer cells permanently. Also radiation therapy is preferred.
Radiation therapy employs high energy X-rays for this purpose. The x- ray radiations exposed into the body kill the cancer cells.
Some of the most used alternative methods of bone cancer are; acupuncture, massage therapy, herbal products, vitamins and special diet, meditation and spiritual healing.
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